The monument is constructed of 2 wings of Barre Gray Granite to match the existing Victory Mothers monument, and a central Waussau Red Granite tablet that backs a Barre Gray Granite pedestal supporting a bronze bust of a soldier. The bronze bust is modeled after Ryan, but the name on the pocket tab reads OUR SONS so that if anyone asks, it will be any of the 81 names that are listed. Each listing includes, Branch of Service, Rank, Full Name, Date of Birth and Date of Death. A quote from President Lincoln is engraved on the pedestal and a commemorative is engraved on the central tablet above the bronze. A Gold Star caps the commemorative.
The bronze bust was designed and sculpted by Michele Middleton of Edwardsville. The granite monument was designed and constructed by Jerry Lager of Lager Monument, Breese, Illinois, The Memorial Plaza was designed and laid by Bob Farrell of Country Rose Landscaping, Walter Blotevogel of Blotevogel Associates did the engineering, Lori Klenke and the Edwardsville Garden Club designed and maintain the flower beds, Adam Celuch of Inlandesign built the website. The Mayor of Edwardsville, Gary Neibur, has been instrumental in this project and without his help it would be less than it is today. Director of Parks and Recreation, Bob Pfieffer and his staff did all the heavy lifting. Alderman Ward 1 Barb Jurgena-Stamer has guided us since our first meeting with the City all the way through to the dedication. We are blessed to have such people among us.
Many community-minded citizens have volunteered their time and effort to helping us make this Memorial a reality. Jill and I are deeply grateful to these Americans: Brad Lavite, Madison County Veterans Assistance Commission; Steve Grant, the Bank of Edwardsville; Rick Stamer, Greater Madison County Federation of Labor; Kent Weber, the Edge Bank; Keith Bridges, Minuteman Press; Team 71 (Mrs. Vicki Bugger) 2010-2011of the Lincoln Middle School C.U.S.D. 7., Mary Westerholt and the staff of the Madison County Historical Museum, Joan Callahan and the Glen Carbon Museum, and to all the other private citizens that have stepped forward to help us.