Thomas William Fischer, Jr. is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fischer of 743 Union Street, Edwardsville, Illinois. Tom was born in Litchfield, Illinois and came to Edwardsville with his family in 1895. Tom attended local school and after was employed as a coal washer. Tom enlisted in the Army on April 29, 1918 and was sent to Camp Dix, New Jersey. After three weeks of training, Private Fischer was assigned to Company C, 312 Infantry Division and was on his way to France. Shortly after arriving, Pvt. Fischer was stricken with Spanish Influenza and was hospitalized for two months. He recovered and was sent to rejoin his unit at the front in August. Pvt. Fischer engaged in several battles before he was killed in action in France. He is survived by his parents and a brother, George and four sisters, Ms. Josephine and Henrietta Fischer and Mrs. William Hlad and Mrs. William Green. Private Thomas W. Fischer, Jr. is buried in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Edwardsville, Illinois and was 26 years, 5 months and 19 days of age.
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